The program of the IPSM 2013 is organized as follows:
25th of April:
14:00 h - Check-In ;
21:00 h - Welcome Party ;
26th of April:
09:00 h - Opening Ceremony (Aim Higher in the
Neuromusculoeskeletal Aproach) with :
- João Francisco ( President of the organization of IPSM'13)
- Patrícia Almeida ( President of the physiotherapy department of ESSA)
- Isabel Sousa Guerra (President of the Portuguese Physiotherapy Association);
09:30 h - Presentation of ECPTS ( European Confederation for Physical Therapy Students);
10:00 h - Coffee-Break
10:30 h - “Neuroplasticity in the matrix, new ways of managing spine problems” by Paul Beenen ;
13:00 h - Lunch;
14:00 h − “Practical knowledge and the use in low back pain management” by Nicola J. Petty;
16:30 h - Coffee-Break
17:00 h - Bwizer workshop - Kinesiotaping (inscription needed)
-Sports/leisure Activities ;
22:00 h - Themed party (more details soon) ;
27th of April:
Lectures and Workshops:
09:30 h − “Practical implications of neuro-immune responses in pain management” by Tiago Freitas;
11:00 h - Coffee-break ;
11:30 h - Continuation with Tiago Freitas;
13:00 h - Lunch ;
14:00 h − “The balance in stability and mobility in the neck” by Joost Van Wijchen;
16:30 h - Coffee-Break
16:30 - Sports/leisure Activities;
22:00 h - Final Party ;
28th of April:
14:00 h - Check-Out .